Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Most sacred places on Earth!

We finally arrived in Paro Bhutan! We have the good fortunate to see the highest mountain in the world from our plane while landing. Nearing Paro airport, we realized we are surrounded by mountains! Bhutanese houses, when seen from high up in the sky, look like tiny little house toys, and were mostly brown and white in color. The airport at Paro is unlike other international airport! During that time when we touched down, our aeroplane is the only one which has just arrived there! The air is so cool and fresh!

We met our guide and driver who were patiently waiting for us at the entrance. To welcome us, they gave us a which katak each and took us to our hotel to check in. This hotel is called Hotel Olathang, and is one of the oldest hotel in Bhutan. 

After check in, we went straight to lunch first in the city area of Paro before heading to the Rinpung Dzong, which is also known as the fortress of the heap of jewels, and was once an important fighting ground. From the Dzong, we enjoy a short and easy walk to the Pachu river and cross to the other side over a traditional wooden covered bridge. We were then driven to see the national sport and game archery before heading to the Kichu Lhakhang, which is the oldest and the most sacred shrine of Bhutan built in the 8th century by Tibetan king songtsen gampo

As today is a Bhutanese public holiday (celebrating the coming of Bhudda to earth again), there were quite a number of local devotees visiting the Lhakhang and praying. 

We took walk round the temple turning prayer wheels. After that, we stopped at the heart of the city of Paro and went to the rare stamp shop to get some stamps. I bought some Bhutanese stamps as well as an old stamp of Bhutan (1969)

We dine and stay overnight in Paro hotel.

All photos (c) copyright

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